Below you can watch two free videos of Eugene Pustoshkin’s dialogue with Puria Kästele on Integral (Awareness) Meditation, Holoscendence and Ken Wilber’s Integral AQAL Metatheory at the Conscious Evolution Summit 2020.
The first video contains the full conversation, and the second video contains a 10-min guided meditation exercise.

Eugene Pustoshkin is a clinical psychologist and Integral therapist in private practice, Holoscendence and Integral Meditation teacher, one of the pioneers of Integral Metatheory and Practice in Russia. Eugene has translated several Ken Wilber books to Russian. He is the Chief Editor at Eros & Kosmos, the leading Russian Integral & transpersonal online magazine/journal, and the Bureau Chief / Associate Editor for Russia at Integral Leadership Review.
Further information about Eugene Pustoshkin and Integral Meditation:
Integral Meditation and Ken Wilber’s Integral Vision
Full conversation with Eugene Pustoshkin:
Integral Meditation: Guided Exercise
An excerpt from the conversation between Eugene Pustoshkin and Puria Kästele:
Other Speakers at the Summit
Conscious Evolution Summit 2020 featured such speakers as:
• Jim Garrison (ex-President of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA and the State of the World Forum, now president of Ubiquity University)
• Peter Merry (Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University and co-founder of the UbiVerse; the founder of the Center for Human Emergence, Netherlands)
• A. H. Almaas (A. Hameed Ali, the founder of the Diamond Approach)
• Tom Habib (Integral psychotherapist; Chairperson of Integral European Conference’s International Consortium of Integral Scholars)
• Gary Zukav (Author, The Seat of the Soul)
• Elisabet Sahtouris (internationally renowned evolutionary biologist, cosmologist and futurist)
• Marylin Hamilton (the founder of the Integral City approach which helps our cities to thrive)
• Joan Borysenko (a world-renowned expert in the mind-body connection)
• and many other wisdom-based change makers
I was deeply honored and humbled to be a part of that gathering.
I really appreciated the attunement that Puria provides in the conversation and her dedication and devotion to catalyze positive, constructive evolution of humanity—as I shared in this endorsement:
You can watch all the teasers, read more about the Conscious Evolution Summit 2020, and purchase the product via this link*:
* I participate in the affiliate program, so each purchase through this link will support my activities as well (which include a lot of pro bono/volunteering work).